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a.b.t.'s varieties are protected by breeding property rights for plant production.
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About Us

    a.b.t. (Antilles bio technologies) was created in 1997. It's the result of collaboration with "Agriculture and forest organisation" from which the "Plant protection unit", professional organisations of horticulture represented by “Chambre d’agriculture” and members of the company. It takes in touch also with research institutes.

    Its main goals are:

  • Creation of new varieties of tropical ornamental plant species, particularly Alpinia purpurata (Ginger lily) and Etlingera elatior (Torch ginger).
  • Production of healthy plants of these new varieties and other species through tissue culture.

     Growers and breeders on the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea realize sexual crossing and apply different techniques to induce variation for breeding new varieties.

    They use:

  • Field plots for maintaining plant genitors.
  • Green house to grow seedlings from the crossings.
  • Tissue culture laboratory.
  • Field plots are used for propagating and testing the new varieties.


    The laboratory is used to carry out propagation of plants through tissue culture.

    The hygiene standards of the primary plants are extremely high and work is carried out under sterile conditions.

    The tissue cultures can therefore meet high standards of quality.



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    As a breeder of Alpinia sp. and Etlingera sp. A.b.t. (Antilles Bio Technologies) is seeking out other new colours, shapes and sizes. Its expertise and quality mean that it planned to launch regularly new varieties. A.b.t.'s varieties are tested over long periods of time before they are introduced on the market.

    A team of growers and breeders is doing this work of improving Alpinia sp. and Etlingera sp.The assortment will probably extend with new colours and shapes.

Antilles Bio Technologies (a.b.t.) - © All rights reserved .We guarantee that all plants leave our laboratory in good condition. a.b.t.'s plants leave free of pests and diseases. email: admin@antilles-biotech.com